All about TOEFL

Visit Test of English as a Foreign Language, more commonly known as TOEFL, is a standardized English test established in 1964 byl’ETS (Educational Testing Service) which aims to assess language skills candidates in a academic or professional approach. More than 35 million people have already undergone this test, which is now recognized by the European…

Bien se préparer au TOEFL

Visit Test of English as a Foreign Language, more commonly known as TOEFL, is a standardized English test established in 1964 byl’ETS (Educational Testing Service) which aims to assess language skills candidates in a academic or professional approach. More than 35 million people have already undergone this test, which is now recognized by the European Union. more than 9,000 establishments around the world..What are the special features of this examination ? Where to take the TOEFL ? How to TOEFL IBT training and preparation ?Here’s everything you need to know about this international english test.

Taking the TOEFL

What is TOEFL?

Visit TOEFL is a test d’anglais standardisé reconnu par l’immense majorité des Anglo-Saxon universities and necessary for the admission of foreign students to many higher education establishments.There are two variants of the TOEFL:

  • Visit TOEFL ITP in paper format
  • VisitTOEFL IBT which can be done online

Visit TOEFL ITP is intended for schools and higher education establishments. You will not be able to register as an independent candidate. In France, only the online version is available. We will therefore focus on the TOEFL IBT.Visit TOEFL consists of 4 tests which aim to assess the student’s level of English.
Plusieurs compétences sont testées lors de l’examen.

  • Reading : reading comprehension (between 60 and 80 min)
  • Listening : reading comprehension (between 60 and 80 min)
  • Writing : written expression (50 min)
  • Speaking : oral expression (20 min)

Visit TOEFL is evaluated on a total of 120 points.
A noter que le score idéal correspond à celui requis par l’établissement que vous souhaitez intégrer.
Autrement dit,
TOEFL score does not determine passing or failing the exam but reveals your level of written and spoken English.If you haven’t achieved your target score, you have the option of take the TOEFL as many times as necessary provided there is a minimum of 12 days between examinationsThe score obtained in the TOEFL is valid for 2 years

Passing the TOEFL

Why take the TOEFL?

The TOEFL is an academic-level English test. recognized by over 130 countries worldwide. It provides proof of a sufficient level of English to follow a university course in the language of Shakespeare, but that’s not its only use.

  • Get into the university of your dreams :This comprehensive English test may be required as part of a university exchange program or for enter an English-speaking university for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. For example, UCLA requires a minimum TOEFL score of 87, while Yale University requires a score of 100 and 109. Harvard and Oxford.
  • Joining a leading business school : More and more French Grandes Écoles(HEC, ESSEC, ESCP Europe, etc.) require their students to take theTOEFL pour évaluer leurs compétences en anglais.
  • Obtaining a visa : In some countries, such as Australia, the TOEFL may be required as part of a student or professional visa application.
  • Assess your language level : Visit TOEFL can also be used independently to assess your level of English and check your progress both written and spoken.

TOEFL score

Where in France can I take the TOEFL?

In France, some thirty test centers, spread across the country, offer the following services take the TOEFL IBT.
Dans la plupart des cas, ce sont de grandes villes telles que Grenoble, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse ou encore Strasbourg qui accueillent les candidats dans des
TOEFL test centers.

If you live in Paris or Paris regionyou can take the exam at your local Global ETS (Paris IX) or in many other cities such as Evry, Levallois, Orly, la Défense …

To view all TOEFL IBT exam centersgo to ETS website.

On average, a ten examination sessions are opened every month in Paris and the provinces.

Places are in high demand, and there are many applicants. Don’t wait until the last minute to register. It is advisable to reserve your place three months in advance the actual test date.

Please also note that results will be delivered between one week and one month after the examination date of the TOEFL IBT.
Si vous avez besoin des résultats pour votre
application form in a university, take this information into account to determine the date on which you will have to take the TOEFL.

excel at TOEFL

How do I register for TOEFL?

There are threeTOEFL IBT registration:

1) On line Via the ETS after creating a profile, with the option of paying online.

2) By phone : Go to ETS website and select the city in which you wish to take the TOEFL.
Vous obtiendrez ainsi le numéro de téléphone correspondant au centre d’inscription de votre région.
Vous pourrez également vous affranchir du montant dû avec votre carte de crédit.

3) By post : Print the registration form, complete it and return it to your regional registration center (RRC).  In order for your registration to be processed, your registration form must reach your RRC approximately one month before the effective date of theTOEFL IBT. Following your registration procedure you will receive a confirmation which you will need to bring with you on the day of the exam, in addition to your identity card.Registration fees for lTOEFL exam differ from country to country. In France, the TOEFL IBT costs $245.00 TOEFL preparation: Your Dream School’s unique method >The Your Dream School team has designed a a tried-and-tested method in order to prepare and support students wishing to take part in the TOEFL exam.In the first instance, we’ll assess your level of English so that we can pinpoint the areas we need to work on. Then we’ll get down to work, we’ll draw up a tailor-made preparation program, perfectly suited to your profile to help you achieve your target score.During your training, you will benefit from one-to-one distance learning with excellent teachers,with many years of experience in the field. TOEFL preparation.
Attentifs et disponibles, ces
TOEFL experts will help you familiarize yourself with this English test and provide you with invaluable advice.

We’ll also give you access to a TOEFL preparation platform so you can work where you want, when you want.

To best meet the needs of each student, we offer three TOEFL preparation packages offering 10h, 20h or 30h of support.

Don’t hesitate to Contact us if you have any questions or require further information.

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at a top-ranking foreign university

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