Business School: the world’s 7 best Masters in Management in 2019

Do you feel like a leader? Do you have a Bachelor’s degree and can you see yourself as a company director, HR manager or team manager? The Master in Management is for you! So which international business school can offer you the best Master in Management program?To help you make your choice, here are the…

université de York

Do you feel like a leader? Do you have a Bachelor’s degree and can you see yourself as a company director, HR manager or team manager? The Master in Management is for you!

So which international business school can offer you the best Master in Management program?To help you make your choice, here are the 7 best Master in Management according to the 2019 QS World Ranking and the Financial Times 2018.

Master in Management

1 – HEC – Paris, France

Since its foundation in 1881, the HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales) business school has consistently attracted talented, ambitious and hard-working students. HEC alumni include many leading figures from the worlds of politics, journalism and business. HEC’s reputation for excellence Business School has spread far beyond France’s borders, and today almost half of HEC students come from abroad. According to2019 QS World University Rankings, HEC offers one of the best Master in Management programs in the world! First place for HEC and a gold medal for France, which can be proud to be home to such a prestigious institution. A well-deserved crow!

Master HEC

2 – London Business School – London, England

Located in the heart of London, the London Business School is a century-old institution with a long-standing excellent reputation in the UK and internationally.

The London Business School is dedicated to training the leaders of tomorrow, and has seen many famous entrepreneurs and business leaders emerge and flourish. Considered one of the best business schools in the world, it’s therefore only natural that LBS should be on the podium of the famous QS World University Rankings with its Master in Management .

Master London Business School

3 –ESADE Business School – Barcelona, Spain

Classified 3rd in QS World University Ranking, ESADE Business School offers a range of Masters : Master in Management, Finance, Business Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship… With a strong international focus, this European Business School, welcomes many foreign students and offers English courses.
L’ESADE inculque à ses étudiants – et futurs entrepreneurs – les valeurs qu’elle prône, à savoir : le respect, l’éthique, la diversité, et la recherche du bien commun, qualités indispensables pour devenir un véritable homme d’affaires capable d’améliorer le monde de demain.

Master ESADE

4 – ESSEC – Paris, France

Arrival 4th in the 2019 QS University World Ranking, for its Master in Management, ESSEC s mission is to train managers who are competent, ambitious and responsible, capable of managing their companies while serving the collective interest, in order to help our society evolve in a positive and sustainable way. ESSEC is the breeding ground for the great minds and talents of today and tomorrow. No conformist thinking here. The ESSEC teaching system aims to intellectual autonomy and encourages students to structure their thoughts and assert their opinions

ESSEC Master

5 – Imperial College Business School – Londres, Angleterre

Imperial College Business School Imperial College Business School Imperial College London. Internationally renowned for the quality of its teaching, Imperial College of London is one of the top ten universities in the world. Numerous Master programsare available, including: Finance, Investment and Wealth Management, Economics and Business Strategy, Strategic Marketing, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management … Imperial College Business School has been ranked 5th in QS World University Rankings for its Master in Management.

Master Imperial College

6 – IE Business School – Madrid, Spain

Founded in 1973, IE Business School is the crucible of the political and economic elite. Students benefit from high-level training and sharpen their critical thinking skills by confronting concrete cases such as inflation, unemployment, etc., which they must try to understand and analyze before putting forward a solution. These real-life situations enable IE Business School students to open up to the world and quickly grasp the issues and challenges they are likely to face in the course of their political or economic careers.

At present, the Master in Management from IE Business School occupies the6th place in the QS World University Ranking.

Master IE Madrid

7 – LSE – London

Social and Political Sciences, Law, Economics, Finance, Management, International Relations, History, Philosophy … Since 1895, the year it was founded, the London School of Economics is dedicated to training the intellectuals of tomorrow. Its alumni include almost 19 Nobel Prize winners and 52 heads of state.
Plus d’un siècle après sa création, la LSE compte parmi les 10 meilleures Universités du monde en sciences sociales et occupe la 7ème place du QS World University Rankings pour son
Master in Management.Master LSEYour Dream School helps you make your project a success !You wish to internationalize your career by integrating a excellent Master in Management program in a European Business School ? Thanks to a unique, proven method, our team of international admissions experts is with you every step of the way. From choosing the Business School best suited to your profile, right through to admission to your chosen Grande Ecole, the team from Your Dream School guides you step by step to success.

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