How do I get into an LLM in England?

Famous top-ranking universities Law Schools scattered across the British territory, make England one of the world’s most popular destinations for foreign students wishing to start an LLM abroad. Qu’il s’agisse d’un “LLM general or a “Specialized LLM”, the programs offered by these elite universities aim to academic excellence and thus grant themselves a right of…

Famous top-ranking universities Law Schools scattered across the British territory, make England one of the world’s most popular destinations for foreign students wishing to start an LLM abroad.
Qu’il s’agisse d’un
“LLM general or a “Specialized LLM”, the programs offered by these elite universities aim to academic excellence and thus grant themselves a right of drastic selection to their students. However, with a little organization and a lot of perseverance, it is possible to gain admission to these mythical universities.

You want to know how to enter an LLM in England ? Follow us, we’ll tell you all about it.

LLM in England

Doing an LLM in England: time for reflection

Follow a LLM program in England is an almost foolproof way of optimizing your entry into the job market, especially if you’re targeting prestigious law firms or international companies. Follow a LLM program in London (King’s College, LSE, UCLQueen Mary), or elsewhere in England (Oxford, Cambridge …) is a major asset when it comes to attracting recruiters.

However, it’s important that this extra year of study fits in with your career plans specialize in a specific area of law, open the doors to a Grande École for your M2, familiarize yourself with the world of law, and more. Common Law to practice in the UK …

So you’ll need a Overview of LLM programs in England, before starting the admission process.

Prerequisites for an LLM in England

Visit LLM programs in England are generally aimed at L3, M1 or M2 law students, who may or may not have professional experience in the legal field, and who wish to acquire a specialization in line with their career plans.However, prerequisites for admission vary from one university to another, so it is possible to enroll at some Law Schools British without a law degree, provided you pass an admission test or have three years’ experience in the legal profession.

LLM in England

The application: the key to your LLM admission

It is the relevance and quality of your application that will determine your LLM admission in the School of your dreams. It is recommended to start prepare your application about a year before visit dead lines set by the universities. Does this deadline seem unreasonably long? Think again! Drawing up a LLM application form is no mean feat, and the paperwork involved is time-consuming and time-consuming. You’ll need to assemble :

  • A copy of your diploma(s) translated into English You can’t carry out this mission yourself. You will need to use the services of an accredited translator so that your documents are certified true and usable.
  • Your score on a standardized test : Most British universities require applicants to have their IELTS result.
    Si vous n’avez encore jamais passé ce test, il vous faudra impérativement vous y soumettre en tenant compte des
    calendars registration and minimum scores required by universities.
  • Your resume or CV in English: The aim is to present your academic background, professional experience(s), skills, etc., so that the recruitment committee can assess your profile.
  • Your Personal Statement or cover letter in English This document complements your CV. On one or two pages, you’ll need to enhance your personality, This is a difficult exercise, because it requires you to be introspective and to know enough about the expectations of the universities you are targeting to know which elements to emphasize.
  • Letters of academic recommendation: The aim is to find out more about you and what your teachers have to say about you. Of course, these letters must be written in English. If not, you’ll need to provide a certified translation.

Choosing the right host university for your LL.M in England, select your specialization, put together your application file, and get started.IELTS preparation or to TOEFL … The path to your admission to LL.M in England is long and tedious, and raises a plethora of questions.

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LLM in England

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