International parallel admissions: the SAI procedure

Joining a grande école It is now commonplace to study in France without going through a preparatory course. Visit international parallel admissions have now become a standard royal entrance in prestigious establishments in France. Every year, almost 2,500 students who have obtained their first degree abroad use the SAI procedure via the Join a School…

procédure SAI

Joining a grande école It is now commonplace to study in France without going through a preparatory course. Visit international parallel admissions have now become a standard royal entrance in prestigious establishments in France. Every year, almost 2,500 students who have obtained their first degree abroad use the SAI procedure via the Join a School in France online platform, for apply to a grande école business, engineering or fashion schools.But what exactly is SAI procedure ? How to apply in de prestigious schools of commerce? What are the milestones along the international parallel admission process ?Follow us, we’ll tell you all about it.

Joining a French school

What is SAI?

The SAI (Service des Admissions Internationales) procedure is governed by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).
Cet organisme vise à recruter des étudiants ayant obtenu un
undergraduate degree abroad (minimum 3 years) to start a Master in Management at one of France’s top five business schools: HEC, EmLyon, ESCP Europe, SKEMA and Audencia.

Via the Join a School in France online platform, the International Admissions Department centralizes candidate applications centralizes candidate applications grande École française.

This makes it possible tosimplify the process for applicants who will be content to ride a single application that the International Admissions Department will then pass on the information to the various schools concerned.

Studying at a Business School

How do I apply?

To benefit from SAI procedureThe candidate must meet certain conditions:

  • Must be under 30 during the year in which the competition is held,
  • Hold a graduation diploma abroad with at least three years of study (180 ECTS).

There are two stages to the admissions process:

  • Eligibility phase: Preparation of an application including :
  • Academic transcript or diploma of completion
  • A CV
  • A letter of motivation
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Aptitude test results : GMAT, GRE, or TAGE MAGE
  • Standardized English test score : IELTS, TOEFL ou TOEIC
  • Photo ID
  • A piece of identification

The registration fee is €190.

Four recruitment periods are planned for the start of the 2021 academic year. Visit >registration calendar is already available on the Join a School in France website.

  • Admission phase: Oral test  

After examining the candidate’s application file, the recruitment committee of each of the prestigious schools selects a number of candidates who will then be invited to take a test. half-hour private interview which will determine the applicant’s final admission. The aim of this oral is to determine the candidate’s profile, assess the coherence of their career plan and evaluate their motivation, as well as their ability to express themselves and defend their ideas.

Good to know: The questions asked by the jury can sometimes be confusing, and it is important to preparing for the interview so as not to be caught unprepared on the big day.

Note also that a excellent academic record does not necessarily guarantee admission.
Les recruteurs cherchent de nouveaux étudiants ayant construit et mûri leur projet professionnel, ayant à leur actif une ou plusieurs expériences professionnelles ou sociales, et constituant une valeur ajoutée pour l’établissement.

To submit a ESSEC application form or EDHEC, which are not part of the SAI procedure,you will need to contact each of these prestigious schools.
Certes, cela complique quelque peu les démarches et engendre des frais supplémentaires mais ces contraintes permettent aussi de réduire la concurrence.
Pour les candidats issus des
international parallel admissions who do not wish to use the SAI procedure or who only wish to apply for certain business schoolsit is also possible to register a HEC or ESCP application form in isolation.

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