A member of the prestigious Russell Group, the University of Exeter, located in south-west England, offers a variety of Bachelor’s degree courses. These include the Bachelor in Business and Management (BSc), ranked 13th best in the field ( The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022) enables students to discover, among other things, the fundamentals of commerce, business law, finance, marketing and human resources.
Aymeric, a second-year student in the Bachelor in Business and Management program, tells us about his experience.
FIRST NAME : AymericNATIONALITY : FrenchçaiseNAME OF COURSE FOLLOWED : BSc in Business and ManagementNAME OF UNIVERSITY : Universityof Exeter
BACCALAURÉAT TYPE AND RESULT General Baccalaureate in Economics and Social Studies (ES) with honors
Study abroad
Why did you decide to study abroad after the baccalauréat?
Friends had told me about their experiences and I wanted to go abroad. It was like a new adventure and a way of becoming more independent. I decided to go to England because I like the culture there.
Which universities did you choose?
My UCAS choices included the University of Exeter and the University of Birmingham. With hindsight, I think I could have chosen other, higher-ranked English universities such as the University of Warwick or King’s College, although I’m very happy with my experience at the University of Exeter.
Why did you choose the University of Exeter?
It’s a good university for the Business and Management program I wanted to pursue. The location of the campus was also ideal, being close to the sea and in the countryside, and only an hour from the city of Bristol. I also preferred the campus and the city of Exeter to Birmingham.
The admission process and administrative procedures
What was the admissions and selection process like?
There were prerequisites such as IELTS. I scored 7/9, enough to qualify. And then.., >YourDream School was a great help in the creation of the UCAS personal statement.
J’ai lu plusieurs ouvrages sur le Business et le Management pour avoir un personal statement de qualité.
Cela m’a aidé à rédiger les phrases d’accroche et consolider mes arguments.
What administrative steps have you taken to get back to school?
There were a number of documents to be submitted for university registration. We also had to find accommodation quickly and choose our course modules for the first university semester during the summer.
1st year courses
What courses did you take in the first and second years of the Bachelor program?
I’m doing a four-year Bachelor’s degree because I chose the option of going abroad for a placement in my third year, which is called a “placement year”. I chose to do an internship, but it’s also possible to do a university exchange. In the first year, we have a core curriculum with five compulsory modules Intoduction to Accounting”, “Statistics for Business”, “Economics for Management”, “Fundamentals of Marketing”, “Discovering Management”. We can then choose other modules according to our preferences. If you don’t pass the compulsory modules, you’ll have to take catch-up exams at the end of the year. I chose modules in finance, management and economics, and was also able to take modules in statistics, accounting and leadership. At second yearI was able to take more management and finance courses. I preferred the second year, which I found easier, and it’s possible to specialize even if the modules remain very general.
What were your favorite courses?
I really liked the math and enjoyed the introductory finance courses, but I don’t think I’ll be pursuing this career path. I think that if some students want to move into the world of finance, the Bachelor in Finance could also be a good option!
Did you find it difficult to adapt to the educational system in the first year of your Bachelor’s program?
I think the hardest part is finding your own rhythm and being independent. In high school, I had classes from 8 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. At Exeter University, I have 8 hours of lectures and 4 hours of tutorials a week. So you have to find the right balance between going out and taking classes, which isn’t always easy.
Did you have trouble keeping up in English?
English has not been a problem, although there is an adjustment period at the beginning of the first semester of first year. I’ve had more difficulty with everyday English, or the English spoken by people my age, with regional accents and different vocabulary. Most of the English we learn in junior high and high school is classic English. After a year in England with complete immersion, I’ve adapted well!
Do you have a lot of personal work?
We have lots of essays to hand in and readings to prepare. Everyone can organize their time as they wish and limit their workload. For example, the lectures are online, so it’s possible to attend the course from a distance. On the other hand, I find that the academic requirements are such that the aim is not to pass the year, but to achieve a high average in each module (over 60% or even 70%). You have to learn to organize yourself well and work regularly.
How do the exams work?
In my first year and due to the Covid crisis, I had a lot of MCQs but the format is likely to be different this year!
Student life in Exeter
What’s student life like on the Exeter campus? The campus is very large, with lots of workspaces and cafés. The working atmosphere is ideal. There are relatively few foreign and European students, which offers total immersion among British students. I think that if students want to be involved in university life, the ideal is to join associative clubs (societies) or through sport.
Do you belong to an association? What’s it like to be part of an association?
I signed up for rugby. Exeter is one of the best rugby clubs in England, so the competition is tough! Matches take place at weekends, and there are also events organized between team members. Each association has its own way of operating and plans events for its members!
Do all first-year Bachelor’s students have on-campus housing? The university sends students a form for their >choice ofaccommodation and a room in a hall of residence is guaranteed in the 1st year..
Certain·e·s peuvent choisir de trouver un logement par eux-mêmes ou l’université propose aussi des résidences étudiantes.
C’est souvent les premiers arrivés qui obtiennent leur logement.
J’ai pu avoir une résidence étudiante bien placée, ce qui constitue un excellent moyen de s’intégrer en première année.
En deuxième année, les étudiant·e·s choisissent davantage des résidences privées, à l’extérieur du campus.
What’s life like in Exeter?
I’m usually on campus during the day to work. Exeter is a pleasant city to live in, quite small but very student-oriented. The advantage is that you can easily get out of the city, going to the beach and exploring the surrounding area. The city is well served!
Into the future
TOWARDS THE FUTUREWhat are your plans for the future?
I don’t yet know what professional field I’m heading for and that’s why I’ve chosen to do a year’s internship during my third year of my Bachelor’s degree. Then I’d like to do a Master’s degree, but I don’t know which school yet. I’m interested in business schools in France or abroad, but I’m also considering doing a Master’s at another university in England.
Do you have any recommendations or advice for students who would like to go to the University of Exeter?
It’s a great experience, even if tuition fees are unfortunately higher for international students. I really recommend going there, not just to stay with French students, but to experience an immersive schooling in England!
If, like Aymeric, you would like to attend the University of Exeter ora university in Englanddon’t hesitate to >contact us to discuss your project!