Today, more and more students want to study abroad. university studies abroad. Cambridge, Princeton, Harvard, Oxford … Universities that are increasingly sought-after by French high school and university students, eager to benefit from the aura that emanates from these renowned establishments, whose mere mention is enough to arouse admiration. But how can we explain such a passion for international orientation ? What are reasons why students study abroad for a Bachelor or Bachelor’s degree ? And above all, how do you make a success of your post-bac admission abroad ?Follow us, we’ll tell you all about it…Studying abroad for your bachelor’s degree: a major advantage for your integration into the world of work
It’s a fact. Globalization is increasingly affecting academic world and students no longer hesitate to cross the borders of their own country to study abroad. study abroad.
Leur bac en poche, de nombreux lycéens entreprennent d’obtenir un bachelor’s degree abroad (expect 4 years in the USA vs. 3 to 5 years in the UK for what what corresponds to a licence licence). International orientation is therefore a growing phenomenon, widely encouraged by French universities and high schools. And with good reason! Studying abroad has many valuable advantages in terms of personal development and skills acquisition. Good reasons to study abroad there’s no shortage of them!In fact, as international trade increases, companies and major groups are increasingly interested in recruiting young graduates who have completed a international university courses .
Parfaitement bilingues, formés au sein des universités les plus prestigieuses du monde, ces étudiants font le bonheur des recruteurs.
Leur atypical university career is a real asset for any company wishing to look to the international market.
In addition to the interest they arouse within companies, students who have decided to do their study abroad, indulge in a an extraordinary human and cultural experience. Rub shoulders with the local population, live to the rhythm of a foreign culture and customs, discover new landscapes, learn a foreign language … One rewarding adventure which forges the personality of these students and develops their autonomy and their independence.
It’s worth noting that many leading universities welcome foreign students. United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Netherlands, A wide range of highly reputed establishments open their doors to students who have opted for a international orientation and award internationally recognized degrees. Universities offering high-level training and nurture the great minds of tomorrow, with standards that match their reputation.Thanks to Your Dream SchoolIt’s now possible to attend a prestigious university abroad. Tell us your dreams, and we’ll make them come true.
Don’t hesitate to Contact us for further information.