Studying abroad: how to choose the right psychology course?
Want to study psychology? Why not study abroad?
The UK, the Netherlands and Canada all offer excellent psychology courses, with a more scientific approach than in France.
(UCL) in the United Kingdom, recounts his experience : « What I like most about my psychology degree in England is its scientific and research-oriented approach. In France, I have the feeling that psychology is taught as a humanity rather than a science, and I think that while this approach can be interesting, it can sometimes limit career prospects. UCL’s psychology degree enables us to acquire a set of skills that are really valuable today and that broaden our professional opportunities. Of course, it provides psychological knowledge, but above all it teaches us to reason scientifically and critically, thanks in particular to an entire module devoted to research, data collection and the writing of scientific articles. A psychology student in the UK also learns to analyze data using statistical software, which is a really crucial skill for many career paths. We have the opportunity to take part in current research in the field, which is really exciting and gives the feeling of making a real impact. The variety of modules we can choose from in the third year, from Machine Learning ( apprentissage automatique) to cognitive neuroscience to decision-making mechanisms, really shows the breadth of career possibilities after a psychology degree in the UK. So far, I’m very happy to have chosen this Bachelor’s degree. I think it takes a modern approach to the discipline and can put students in touch with fields like artificial intelligence, behavioral data science and neuroeconomics, which are booming today. »
The universities of Amsterdam, Tilburg, Leiden and Maastricht all offer excellent psychology courses in English, with a scientific approach and a strong research dimension. At the University of Amsterdam, for example, the first semester of the second year is entirely devoted to learning research methodologies. You can then choose between different specialties such as clinical psychology, social psychology or brain and cognition.
McGill University and Concordia University in Montreal (Canada) also offer psychology courses in English, while UQAM and the universities of Montreal, Laval and Sherbrooke offer bachelor’s degrees in psychology in French.
Find all the answers to your questions about studying abroad. our book “Etudier à l’étranger après le Bac” (Studyrama Editions).