Taking a gap year

Whether it’s to take some time to think about your career plans or the type of course you really want to pursue, to gain professional experience, to volunteer, to travel, to save money, to improve your English or your baccalaureate results, there are many reasons why some students take a gap year or gap year. This phenomenon is very common in Anglo-Saxon countries, and it is even possible, at the time of the application process on UCAS in the UK and even now on Parcoursup in France to defer your admission by a year, i.e. to be considered for a place at university a year later.

However, the gap year can frighten some people and be seen as a year of “doing nothing”. In reality, some of you need to take time out for a number of reasons: to get to know yourself better, to identify your talents, or to gain new experiences to help you find your way. Of course, it’s not a question of doing nothing for a year!

So how can you make the most of this year and make it as rich in experience and learning as possible? Work experience, preparatory classes, travel, volunteering abroad… here’s a quick overview of some of the options available to you if you’re thinking of taking a gap year. You need to ask questions before deciding to go abroad.

Do a language stay or a year offoundation year abroad

There are a number of programs abroad, particularly in the UK, called foundation year, whose aim is to prepare you for university studies. Among the foundation year the most renowned, including in London those of theUniversity College London, King’s College London, Durham or even St Andrews in Scotland.

For art courses, unless you already have solid artistic experience or have completed a specialized baccalaureate, the year of foundation year is often a prerequisite for preparing your portfolio and joining art courses. (fine arts), design (fashion design, object design…) or architecture. Admission to certain foundation years, like that of Central Saint Martins, can be selective, and itself required the creation of a portfolio.

There are also language courses or stays that combine English courses and preparation for an English exam (often TOEFL or IELTS) with accommodation on a campus or with a host family, which could also be a suitable option for those wishing to improve their level of English. You can contact organizations such as OISE, EF, Nacel and many others to help you in this process.

Preparatory classes in France

For students who would like to join a engineering courses abroad (at the EPFL in Lausanne, for example), taking a year of scientific preparatory classes in France could enable you to strengthen your working methods and your knowledge of mathematics and science, giving you the opportunity to approach your engineering studies abroad with greater confidence.

The same applies to those wishing to follow a artistic courses abroad, There are 21 public preparatory classes that belong to Appea (Association nationale des classes préparatoires publiques aux écoles supérieures d’art) and are designed to prepare you for the higher art schools. They could be a springboard for your art or design studies abroad.

Generally speaking, a year in a preparatory class can be demanding, but also stimulating and rich in learning, and so, for some students, a first step before studying abroad.

Doing a Eureka gap year in France

Created by Made iN Sainte-Marie Lyon, an innovative management and digital arts school that is part of Sainte-Marie in Lyon, the Eureka gap year program aims to offer an organized gap year, with the aim of learning more about oneself, cultivating one’s skills and giving meaning to one’s choices and direction.

Over the course of the 30-week program, you’ll take courses (in the form of workshops and seminars) in musicology, anthropology, theater, intensive English, communications, innovation, sustainable development, geopolitics and writing workshops. The program also includes regular coaching sessions to help you reflect on yourself and your talents. You’ll also have the opportunity to do an internship abroad from June to October.

Study at a community college in the United States for two years

You’re desperate to study in the U.S. but don’t necessarily have the financial means to do so. finance four years of study at an American university? Visit community college may be just what you’re looking for! It allows you to obtain associate’s degree (bac + 2 equivalent) in two years at a lower cost, then transfer to an American university directly in your third year, and save on tuition fees. However, you’ll still need to achieve good grades throughout your time at the community college so that you can transfer to a reputable university afterwards. On the other hand, you will still have to finance two years of study at an American university, which in some cases can represent a substantial budget (over €100,000).

Beatriz spent two years at Broward College in Florida before joining Florida International University (FIU) in Miami to complete her Bachelor’s degree. She tells us about her experience: « I chose to study at Broward College just after high school because I was the first person in my family to study in the United States. At the time, applying to college seemed tedious and expensive, and I had no guarantee of admission. That’s why the community college was a better fit for me: it was open to everyone and was therefore an excellent way to gain a better understanding of the American university system and culture.

In the end, Broward College was an excellent springboard for me. For two years I received quality teaching from passionate and dedicated teachers who really take their work to heart. The wide choice of courses, including labs and other hands-on activities, allowed me to explore many fields and sharpen my curiosity. I took courses in religion, sociology and art and, thanks to this flexibility in my choice of subjects, I was able to discover what was to become my specialty: French and sociolinguistics.

There are sometimes misconceptions about community college students. but in my experience this is unfounded and unfair. I found all the students to be motivated, curious and genuinely there to learn and excel. What’s more, the community college offers a second chance to students who have underachieved in their school system and even allows them to take remedial courses – proof that the community college truly embodies this spirit of community, mutual aid and self-improvement.

After obtaining myassociate’s degree in Broward in two years, I was able to transfer to FIU and earn a Bachelor’s degree in two more years. I then decided to give back to community college everything he’d given me by becoming an assistant professor at a community college. »

Do civic service or volunteer work abroad

Why not take a year off to do humanitarian work or civil service? As well as being a highly enriching experience, it could also enable you to acquire new skills, improve your English or learn a new language.

For information on volunteer opportunities, check out platforms such as volunteerworld.com or WEP.fr.

For further information

To find out more about civic service missions abroad, visit their website site.

Léonie, a student at King’s College London, explains why she chose to take a gap year: « I decided to take a gap year after the baccalaureate because I felt the need to take a step back before starting higher education. I had applied to English universities during my final year of high school, specifying that I wanted to take a gap year or gap year. Je savais donc d’ores et déjà que j’étais admise à King’s College un an plus tard, ce qui était très rassurant pour mes parents et pour moi ! Pour mon année sabbatique, j’ai décidé d’allier à la fois travail en France et humanitaire à l’étranger. J’ai donc passé la première partie de l’année à travailler dans un hôtel ou j’ai occupé différents postes pendant trois mois : femme de chambre, réceptionniste puis serveuse. Découvrir le monde du travail a été très enrichissant et m’a permis de gagner en maturité. Je suis ensuite partie pour quatre mois en Asie. J’ai d’abord passé deux mois et demi dans une région très reculée du Cambodge. Je travaillais dans une ferme écologique où je donnais des cours à des enfants et à des fermiers du coin afin de les aider à cultiver leur terre de manière écologique et sans pesticides. Cette expérience n’a pas été facile dans un premiers temps car il n’était pas évident de communiquer avec les autres car j’étais la seule volontaire et quasiment personne sur place ne parlait anglais. Avec le temps, j’ai appris à communiquer par d’autres biais : par des signes ou à l’aide d’un traducteur instantané… Je suis ensuite partie un mois en Thaïlande, où j’ai donné des cours d’anglais au sein d’écoles défavorisées. Pour trouver cette deuxième expérience, j’ai utilisé la plateforme Volunteer World qui m’a permis d’identifier des associations correspondant à ma recherche. Avec du recul, je pense que j’aurais pu encore mieux préparer mon voyage et faire davantage de recherches. Je me suis rendu compte de l’importance de parler avec d’anciens volontaires sur l’association afin d’avoir des retours d’expérience. Avant de vous engager, n’hésitez donc pas à demander à l’association de vous mettre en contact avec d’autres volontaires déjà sur place – cela permet d’éviter les mauvaises surprises !

In fact, some associations sometimes bring in volunteers when they don’t need them, or simply for financial reasons – so you need to be vigilant and well informed. Taking a sabbatical year has been an incredible experience that has enabled me to develop on many levels: humanitarian work has really enabled me to gain autonomy and open up to others. I feel like I’m much more adaptable now, and I find it easier to reach out to others, even those who don’t speak my language! I’ve also made a lot of progress in English, and I’ve made friends from all over the world, who I now speak to every day in English! I think this experience will really help me make the most of my university experience in London next year! »

Gain professional experience or complete an internship

Doing an internship or getting your first work experience can also be an opportunity to discover your talents and get to grips with the professional world.

It’s also an excellent way of confirming or denying your choice of direction. Indeed, it can be particularly relevant for certain professional courses (hospitality, architecture, business, law, medicine, engineering…) before you decide to go down this path. Finding a student job abroad can also help you improve your language skills, become more independent and put money aside for your future studies.

Retake the bac to improve your grades

As admission to certain universities in the UK in particular is particularly dependent on baccalaureate grades, it may be wise for applicants desperate to get into a selective university to retake the baccalaureate in order to achieve better results. However, as this is a risky solution, it’s important to weigh up the pros and cons before embarking on such a strategy.

What’s more, abroad, grades often count just as much as your university’s reputation or ranking. So if you do very well in your bachelor’s degree, whatever your university of origin, you’ll still have the chance to join highly selective master’s programs afterwards!

Would you like to study abroad after your gap year? Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your project!