While the vast majority of English-speaking universities open their doors to foreign students, they nevertheless require them to prove their ability to follow a university course in English Every year, several thousand students take part in the TOEFL tests .
Edité par l’ETS (Educational Testing Serving), this standardized English test is recognized by nearly 9,000 higher education establishments around the world and accurately assesses the language skills.To give yourself the best possible chance of reaching your target score, a good TOEFL preparation is essential.
Why prepare for the TOEFL?
Visit TOEFL is graded on the basis of 120 points divided into the following categories four separate tests to evaluate your oral and written expression and comprehension skills.Each University has the right to require applicants to submit a minimum score on this standardized test Generally speaking, the more highly regarded the institution, the higher the level of English required, and the higher the score you’ll need to obtain on the English test. TOEFL must be good. Taking the TOEFL can’t be improvised. To achieve the score set by the university of your choice, there’s only one thing to remember: training! In fact, a good TOEFL preparation will enable you to :
- Familiarize yourself with the various test items so as not to be surprised by the unique exam structure on D-Day.
- Generate automatisms in order to save time and avoid mistakes that could affect your score.
- Anticipating and understanding questions asked during the different parts of the TOEFL IBT.
- Managing your time properly during the test, as the tests are timed.
- Looking forward to the exam with greater peace of mind and maximize your chances of reaching your target score.
Even if you feel you have a good command of the language, don’t neglect your TOEFL preparation as the singularity of the tests proves confusing even for native English speakers and bilinguals. We recommend that you start your TOEFL training in about three months before the actual exam date.
How do I prepare for the TOEFL?
If you take the TOEFL in order to‘integrate a Grande Business School or a Anglo-Saxon University To find out more, check the score imposed by the establishment. Once you’ve clearly identified your target, you’ll need to gauge your level of English .
Ainsi, vous serez à même d’estimer le chemin qu’il vous reste à parcourir pour atteindre votre objectif.
To be effective, your TOEFL preparation must be methodical and structured. To achieve the desired result, you need to work regularly and conscientiously. Some advice from our experts to bring this project to fruition:
- Review your grammar It’s the basis for understanding, speaking and writing in English. Reviewing the rules of grammar and syntax inherent to this language is therefore an essential step for take the TOEFL IBT.
- Get your ear used to English : To feel at ease duringtests TOEFL IBT listening and speaking testit is important that you familiarize yourself with the language and tame the accent that goes with it. In the weeks leading up to the exam, don’t hesitate to listen to the radio in English, watch films or series in VO, chat with native speakers or bilinguals…
- Make simulations To understand TOEFL structureit is strongly recommended to undergo mock exams.
Mettez-vous en condition : installez-vous dans un quiet location time events.
De cette manière, vous saurez si vous êtes fin prêt à take this standardized test and you’ll be able to target your TOEFL training on failing parts.
- Use reliable resources If the Internet is full of TOEFL practice exercisesIf you’re looking for a new product, only certain paper or digital resources are worthy of consideration. Visit ETS website offers some tools for TOEFL preparation.
Mais vous pouvez également faire confiance aux éditions The Princeton Review et Barron’s qui constituent de bons TOEFL IBT practice materials.
N.B.: We strongly advise you to reserve your exam date about three months before D-day.
Vous aurez ainsi l’assurance get your results on time for admission calendars, even if you have to take it again. Plan well in advance your examination date you can also choose a examination center near you and avoid costly and time-consuming travel.
TOEFL training: Your Dream School’s unique method
To provide the best possible support for students wishing to take the TOEFL, Your Dream School has developed a unique and effective TOEFL preparation.
Assessment of your initial level, design of a personalized strategy, customized formulas, direct and unlimited access to training platforms…
Available and ready to listen, our TOEFL experts will help you make rapid progress and offer you a personalized coaching, including unlimited correction ofessays and simulations of TOEFL oral test.
You’ll also benefit from a special follow-up by a Inspiring Mentor who will deliver tips and tricks to achieve your goals and take the exam with confidence.
Don’t hesitate to Contact us if you have any questions or require further information.
The school of your dreams, a partner in your success.