UCAS admission

Given that the vast majority of universities and higher education establishments in the United Kingdom use the service UCASUnder the UCAS system, all students planning to pursue undergraduate studies in the UK must apply via UCAS – including home students (generally British and European students, as well as international students). Personal details Once logged onto…


Given that the vast majority of universities and higher education establishments in the United Kingdom use the service UCASUnder the UCAS system, all students planning to pursue undergraduate studies in the UK must apply via UCAS – including home students (generally British and European students, as well as international students). UCAS England

Personal details

Once logged onto the site, applicants fill in a number of personal details – including their current qualifications, work history, identity information, ethnic origin and information on how they will finance their education. Candidates also have the opportunity to declare whether they have any individual needs – such as disabilities ; or if they need special care.

or if they need special care.

The final part of the process involves paying a registration fee and obtaining a written reference. The process varies depending on whether the student is applying via a school, college, university or college. center UCAS or as an individual.For the former, applications are sent to the school, college or center, which may ask applicants to pay their fees (which they then forward to UCAS) or directly to UCAS, before providing a reference and submitting the form on the student form. If the applications are sent to the school, college or center, they will attach a reference to be sent to UCAS. Candidates are responsible for ensuring that their school, college or center submits the application by the deadline.Individual applicants must seek a recommendation – from a teacher, counselor or professional who knows them – before paying the fee and submitting their application.For most of today’s applications, the cost per student is around £20..

UCAS registration deadlines

Depending on the field and university to which they are applying, applicants must submit their application by the relevant submission deadline, to ensure that their application is treated equally by the higher education institutions to which they are applying.

  • October 15 deadline: applicants to medical, dental and veterinary courses and applicants to Oxford and Cambridge universities must submit their applications to UCAS by October 15 – the year before they start their studies.
  • January 15 deadline : the majority of applications must be submitted by January 15 (in the calendar year in which the student wishes to begin his or her studies).
  • March 24 deadline: the deadline for certain art and design courses is March 24, to give them time to complete their portfolios.

Students can apply until June 30 of each year. But a late submission may not receive the same consideration as those submitted before the deadline.

Studying in England


Students must meet the application deadlines. While UCAS advises universities and colleges to send in their decisions by the end of March, universities are responsible for responding to applications and can operate within their deadlines. Many universities (such as Oxford University and Cambridge University) require applicants to be invited to an interview before receiving offers; or they may be invited to submit additional work before receiving a proposal.Places are offered by the universities via the UCAS tracking service and are either firm or conditional, which means that the student will receive a place based on their performance at theBaccalauréat exam or equivalent. Candidates also find out if they have been rejected via UCAS Track.Once a candidate has received an answer of their choice, they must reply to their university by the May deadline. Candidates normally choose two offers via UCAS, one as a firm choice and one as a conditional choice. A firm choice means that, if the student receives the required grades, he or she will receive a firm offer and be admitted. A conditional choice means that, if the university chosen as a firm choice has rejected them on the basis of their grades, the student will be considered and admitted to their conditional choice if they meet the conditions of their offer.

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