What other exams can I take to study in the UK?
For the majority of courses at Oxford or Cambridge, or for certain particularly selective programs at other universities (medicine, mathematics at Imperial College London, law or certain courses such as International social and political studies University College London, for example), you’ll need to take an additional exam. Here’s a quick rundown of the different exams you may need to take to get into certain courses or universities.
LNAT (national admissions test for law) for law
The LNAT test will be required if you wish to join a law course. (Law) at the universities of Bristol, Durham, Glasgow, King’s College London, LSE, Nottingham, Oxford, SOAS and UCL. Your LNAT score will be a decisive factor in the evaluation of your application.
If you’re aiming for some particularly selective universities, you’ll need to aim for a score of 27/42 or higher on this demanding test.
You’ll usually need to register for this test by October 15 if you’re applying to Oxford University, or take it by January 20 at the latest for all other universities. Please note that you can only take the test once.
For further information
The Ultimate LNAT Collection from UniAdmissions and the Arbitio website – an online preparation tool – can help you prepare for this exam.
UCAT (university clinical aptitude test) or BMAT (biomedical admissions test) for medicine
The UCAT test is required for all students wishing to study medicine or dentistry at universities such as Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, Warwick, Edinburgh, Exeter, King’s College, Queen Mary or St Andrews.
For study at England’s top universities, if you’re aiming for certain particularly selective universities, you’ll need to aim for a score of over 700 on this test.
You should generally register for this test before mid-September and take it by October 2 at the latest.
For further information
The BMAT test is required for all students wishing to study medicine or dentistry at universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial, Leeds, Manchester, Lancaster, Brighton and Sussex or Keele.
You’ll usually need to take the test in early September or early November (Oxford requires November) of your final year.
For further information
Other tests you may have to take include the TSA (thinking skills assessment), CAT (classics admissions test), ELAT (English literature admissions test), GAT (geography admissions test), HAT (history aptitude test), MAT (mathematics admissions test) or STEP (sixth term examination paper mathematics), MLAT (modern languages admissions test), OLAT (oriental languages aptitude test), lPAT (physics aptitude test), philosophy test, fine art practical or the music performance test.
Don’t hesitate to ask the university or consult their website to find out more about the tests you’ll need to take.
Would you like to take an exam to enter a university in the UK? Do not hesitate to Contact us to discuss your project together! We can also help you with preparing and strengthening candidacies before sending your applications to foreign universities.